Algorithm Scripting -- Sorted Union
Now that I’ve completed the first two tracks in Free Code Camp’s curriculum, lately I’ve been returning to some of my prior work to refactor the code I had submitted. So far this has meant reengineering some of my earliest projects to take advantage of React (see the weather application and the pomodoro timer on my projects page).
But I would also like to return to some of the algorithms that make up Free Code Camp’s earliest challenges. I remember solving a lot of these challenges by resorting to heavily nested for loops, an operation flow that’s as computationally taxing as it is difficult to read.
I want to devote at least few posts revising some of these algorithms and explaining my solutions. Taken together, I hope these posts will be a good demonstration of my particular approach to problem solving and may help new developers who are struggling in this area.
The challenge: sorted union
For this first post, I want to focus on Sorted Union, an algorithm challenge that was recently posted about in the Free Code Camp forum. Here’s a description of the challenge from the Free Code Camp website:
Write a function that takes two or more arrays and returns a new array of unique values in the order of the original provided arrays.
In other words, all values present from all arrays should be included in their original order, but with no duplicates in the final array.
The unique numbers should be sorted by their original order, but the final array should not be sorted in numerical order.
As usual with Free Code Camp’s algorithm challenges, the challenge description is a little hard to understand. Fortunately, the test assertions provide a good indicator about what is being asked (uniteUnique
is the name of the function we’re being asked to create):
Basically, the idea here is that uniteUnique
will take some arrays as arguments and return a single array filled with unique elements found in each of the passed in arrays. Moreover, the items in the array that gets returned must be in the order of their original placement. There’s one last thing worth mentioning thing that’s not said in the description but is made explicit from the test assertions: uniteUnique
is a shallow operation, applying to only the arguments and not to any arrays that may be found within them.
How do we solve this? First uniteUnique
needs to create an empty array to which it is going to push each unique element it encounters among the arguments (this array will be returned at the end of the function). Determining the uniqueness of elements is going to require creating a nested loop: the outer loop will iterate through the arrays that get passed in as arguments, while the inner loop will iterate over each individual array to examine the elements that need to get pushed to the array that will be returned. Structured in a conventional manner, there is no need to worry about sorting because the elements will get pushed to the empty array in the order in which they are encountered.
On to implementation. We might initially set up the uniteUnique
function like so, initially declaring an empty array (out
Did you notice how I didn’t write in any parameters? According to the specification uniteUnique
, can take any number of arguments, a requirement that complicates the traditional approach of handling arguments by way of parameter names. So how do we access the arguments that get passed to uniteUnique
if we don’t know what to call them and we don’t know how many there are?
Functions in javascript have access to something called arguments
, an array-like object that refers to the arguments handed to the function. This is convenient, you might think, because the first of our nested loops involves looping over the arguments! Isn’t it nice that the arguments
is an iterable object?
Not so fast. Because we want to lean towards semantic clarity, we’re going to want to make use of something like forEach
rather than a traditional for loop. Unfortunately for us, arguments
is array-like, meaning it’s not a true array and is therefore not on the prototype chain that would grant access to forEach
. We need to figure out a way of turning arguments
from an array-like object into an actual array.
Do you know how to copy an array? Consider the following snippet in which we attempt to clone array a
What gives? We pushed 4
onto b
not a
! The problem is that b = a
does not actually do what we wanted it to do. What we wanted was for b
to get assigned to completely new array that was filled with the same values stored in a
. Instead, we simply pointed b
to a
, meaning that they both now refer to the same object. Hence, using push
to add a value to b
will mutate the array that a
also happens to be pointing at.
The best way to rewrite this code so that it actually achieves the intended outcome is to make use of slice
, a non-mutating function that returns a specified part of an array. The part of the array that gets returned when you call slice
without passing any arguments is the entire array, creating what is essentially a copy of the array slice is called from:
Okay, so we can use slice
to make a clone of arguments
. But if arguments
isn’t already an array, how are we going to call slice
on it? The reason we couldn’t call forEach
on arguments
was because forEach
is on the prototype chain of Array. Isn’t slice
also on the same prototype chain?
All this is entirely correct, and indeed using slice directly from arguments
would fail. Fortunately, however, we can use call
to shift the this
context of slice
so that it will work properly. This means writing some intimidating code that invokes slice
directly from Array.prototype
and then chains it to call
, but I assure you this is well-traversed territory for many javascript developers (see this post for additional details).
*** It should also be noted that using slice
on arguments
obstructs optimizations in some engines. You can read about an alternative approach here ***
We now have a way of transforming arguments
into an actual array, so let’s write it into uniqueUpdate
The next bit is easy. Here’s how we would use forEach
to loop over args
(our arguments
Next, we need to add another forEach
loop that iterates over the individual element of each argument, which would look something like this:
Now that we have the loops settled, we now need to create some type of test that will determine whether or not an individual element needs to be added to the array that will ultimately get returned (assigned to the variable out
in our function). According to the instructions, uniteUnique
must return only unique elements. This means, for example, that if among our arguments there exists multiple instances of the value 5
, only the first of those instances should be added to out
Since we are traversing the arguments and their elements sequentially, we can test each value for uniqueness simply by checking to see if it is already present in the out
array. This is doubly useful because it also ensures that unique elements are added as they are encountered, meaning that the elements in out
will be in the correct order.
We can check if an element is in an array by using the indexOf
property. indexOf
will return the index of a given value in the array it is called on. In instances when the value is not found, it will return -1
. Using indexOf
we can now write the test case that will add elements to out like so:
We have now completed the logic that will add unique values to the out
array. The only thing left to do is return it:
Refactoring with reduce
As it currently exists uniteUnique
is perfectly functional. Notice, however, that our logic involves filling an initially empty array that potentially mutates each time our loops advance. You should know that any time you write a forEach
loop that adds items to an array you are overlooking an opportunity to use reduce
, like forEach
, loops over an array performing a callback with each iteration. Unlike forEach
, however, the callback given to reduce
requires that something is returned, a value that will be provided to the next iteration of the loop. Basically reduce
gives us a way of gradually building something up over the course of looping through an array’s elements.
Consider the classic demonstration of using reduce
to get the sum of an array of numbers. With forEach
, we would write the following code that increments a counter by each number in the array:
We can rewrite this code using reduce
like so:
The callback function handed to reduce
receives two arguments, what I’ve called accumulator
and currentNumber
. accumulator
refers to the value that was returned by the callback on the previous iteration (notice how the callback returns a value, unlike forEach
refers to the item in the array that is currently being examined. The 0
that is passed in as the second argument to reduce
refers to the value accumulator
should assume the first time the callback is run.
Taking this step-by-step, the first time reduce
runs, accumulator
is set to 0
and currentNumber
is set to 1
. The callback returns the sum of these two numbers, which becomes the accumulator
for the second iteration when 2
will be assigned to currentNumber
. In that case, the callback will return 3
, which becomes the accumulator
for the next cycle, and so on. In this way, all the numbers are added together resulting in 15
(see the MDN article on reduce
to learn more).
is a handy function. Its syntax is a little tricky to get a handle of, but once you have it all figured out you’ll find it to be useful way of applying a compounding function on all the elements of an array, ultimately ‘reducing’ it to some final result.
In our case, we can substitute initializing out
to an empty array by assigning it directly to a reducing function that builds an array of unique elements found in the arguments:
In fact, since the callback we are handing to reduce
returns an array, we can dispense with assigning the result to out
and just return it directly:
Wrapping up
Before closing, there are three additional points I want to make regarding uniteUnique
. When it comes to completing algorithm challenges like this, you’ll find that there are many different ways to achieve the desired outcome. Sometimes you’ll encounter overly complicated solutions with lots of nested for loops and counters. Other times you’ll read one-liners that make use of method chaining and regex tests. As a rule of thumb, I recommend striving for a solution that balances clarity with performance. You certainly want to avoid writing functions replete with taxing operations, but I also think it’s important to avoid single-line solutions that are especially cryptic.
On that note, here are three additional ways of rewriting the above solution.
First, you might have wondered we used call
to access the slice
method for arguments
when we could have done the same thing for reduce
(or forEach
). In that case, there would be no need to create an args
variable at the top of our function.
Indeed, using call
directly with reduce
(or forEach
) and arguments
will work just fine. It would look something like this:
This is a little too messy for my tastes. I begin to worry that my code is becoming unreadable once its shape starts resembling a sideways pyramid. This solution manages to bypass crafting an actual array from the array-like arguments
object, but I don’t think trading in that small operation for this hard-to-read cascade of indented code is worth it.
is definitely the way to go when it comes to managing our outer loop, but forEach
is not our only option when it comes to the inner one. The solution I submitted to Free Code Camp involves using the filter
method on the currentArg
array to get an array of unique elements, the contents of which are then added the accumulator
array by way of concat
. It looks like this (we don’t actually need the empty array that makes up the second argument toreduce
, by the way; it’s perfectly fine that the initial array in args
be our first accumulator
, which is what will happen if we leave it absent like below):
Those nested return statements (and the concat
and filter
combo) are a little strange looking, but fortunately ES6 syntax helps make things look a little better: